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Career Dev Event November 2022 - Animation & VFX


Networking and meet the recruiters

Aims and how the networking works

We aim to bring interesting and hard-working artists and producers from around Australia together from the major VFX, commercial animation, and 3-D studio’s, to learn from each other and network together. We will have small breakout rooms for networking before and after the event, you can choose who you would like to chat with at the event. We will also have a networking guide with profile photo and contact details.


Career development discussion night


Animation, CG & VFX - About the discussion night

You are invited to join us in a small, intimate and private discussion night. We have invited some of the best and most interesting studios, Junior and Mid Career artists to come together. The aim of the night is to bring together senior colleagues from the VFX, 3D, CG, FX, Design & Animation disciplines for an open and friendly chat over a beer or glass of wine, so we can network and learn from one another.


Discussion Leaders - Q&A Panel

Nick Hore : Animal Logic - Sydney

Senior Recruiter

Rachel Neville Flying Bark - Sydney

Recruitment Manager

Arman Haque - Flying Bark - Melbourne

Lighting Artist

Bonnie Forsyth : Mighty Nice - Sydney

Director & Animator

Darren Keating : Cheeky Little - Sydney

Art Director

GV Prashanth : RSP - Brisbane

Sr Lighting & Look Dev Artist


Matthew Packwood - Host and Moderator

Over 20 years experience working the commercial and TV industry.

Aishwarya Ramji - Host and Moderator

VFX Artist & Lecturer at Screen and Media at RMIT


Break Out Rooms : Discussion Leaders - Q&A Panels


Room 1

Design &Animation

Rachel Neville

Flying Bark

Recruitment Manager

Darren Keating

Cheeky Little

Art Director

Room 2

3D Animation

Nick Hore

Animal Logic

Senior Recruiter

Ian Lade


3D Animator

Room 3

Animation & VFX

Bonnie Forsyth

Mighty Nice

Director & Animator

Jodie Camilleri

Head Of Operations

Cumulus Visual Effects

Room 4


GV Prashanth


3d Artist & look dev

Arman Haque

Flying Bark

Lighting Artist


Break Out Room Leaders / MC’s


Brad Smith


Ian Thomson

Head of the UTS Animal Logic Academy

Patricia Kung

JMC Academy

Reed Yerien



You are invited to attend

- Thursday 10th of November 2022 -

Previous Juniors Mid level Artist Events

Previous Senior Artists Events


About the discussion night

You are invited to join us in a small, intimate and private discussion night. We have invited some of the best and most interesting studios, Junior and Mid Career artists to come together. The aim of the night is to bring together senior colleagues from the VFX, 3D, CG, FX, Design & Animation disciplines for an open and friendly chat over a beer or glass of wine, so we can network and learn from one another.

Date : Thursday 10th of November 2022 Time :  6:55pm to 10:15 pm

Hosts : Matthew Packwood and Ash Ramji  

Professional development : Learned from others

- Be introduced to an exclusive group of top industry professionals - Ask questions about topics you are interested in learning about - Be updated on the industry trends and opportunities - Become less isolated in your work by meeting with fellow artists


- A networking guide with your portfolio and contact details.

- Provide a list of people you would like to network with.

Why only 100 people ?

- Everybody gets the opportunity to talk.

- It’s small to enable easy communication and networking.

- It’s important if you register you attend or cancel in advance.

What you need to provide ?

- Your contact details and a IMDB or LinkedIn link

- You will be asked to provide questions for the discussion

Please note Your registration details may be used for marketing to you by Masters of Motion and the event sponsors.

Requirements / info

1. Be ready with, wine, beer, tea, hot chocolate and great snacks

2. Webcam, microphone & earphones

3. Computer with plugged in fast Internet - If you have it, or Wifi

Note : You must wear earphones to stop feedback


- You can access the event via Zoom


6:50pm : Doors open & Setup

7:00pm : Introduction - Speakers & Partners

7:10pm : Networking begins 10 Zoom groups drinks

7:30pm : Main Q&A - 40 minutes session

8:10pm : Break into 6 small rooms / 30 minutes session

Small Discussion & Q&As

- Discussion Room 1 : Design & Animation
- Discussion Room 2 : 3D Animation
- Discussion Room 3 : Animation & VFX
- Discussion Room 4 : CG & VFX

8:55pm : All back together, thank the panel members and sponsors

9:00pm :

Option 1. Speed - Meet the Recruiter & Speakers - One on One

- Ask a Question or show your work - 12 minutes each - Limited Spots

  • We will contact you if you have been selected for a meeting

  • You will be notified which section you will be attending

Option 2. Networking & Waiting Room Drinks : Small Zoom Group

9:45pm : Thanks to everybody - Give away door prizes

10:15pm : Proceedings end.

Supporting Masters of motion

💙 When you purchase a ticket to this event it helps us support the community and allows me to deliver high quality events. Thank you for your support. Cheers Matt


Join the Waiting List :

People always drop out close to the event and on the day and I replace them with people from the waiting list. Please join and I will ring you if a place becomes available : )

Email Matthew at :


Discussion Night : Attending so far…

Organisers & Host

1. Matthew Packwood : Masters -

2. Ash Ramji : RMIT -

3. Ivy Hsu : MSI -

4. Leo Soenario : Wacom -

Attendees - MC & Room Leaders

1. Reed Yerien : Compositing at Stage23 :

2. Brodie Lowe : Arterial Design - 3D Generalist - website

3. Paul Gkantinas : Freelance - 3D & Environment - website

4. Dean Musumeci : AIT : Educator & Compositing :


I really enjoyed being part of this event. As a speaker I think I got as much or more than the attendees as they were industry professionals with something to add. Nathan Ortiz - CG Supervisor at Method Studios

8 out of 10 - Great to chat to all of the different people, in all different positions, at all different companies, but in just one destination! Mark Millar - Manager at Alt.vfx and T&DA

Wasn't sure what to expect but I had lot's of fun. Met some really interesting people, made some excellent connections and caught up with some old friends Shane Aherne - Director at ModelFarm

Great night and great conversations, Quite unexpected given it was a virtual event Tim Dyroff - Creative Director at Resolution

10 out of 10 - Matthew Packwood consistently runs great events that provide opportunities for artists to connect and learn in a supportive and friendly environment. Jacinta Blaxland - Generalist at Plastic Wax

Matthew does a great job of bringing professionals together from all walks of the industry, over topics they are passionate about. Lisa Gane - Compositor at Future Associate

Really great opportunity to connect with colleagues and friends and make new connections. Really interesting and informative to hear diverse perspectives on workplace issues. Kristin McCourtie - Director at The Design Foundation